Build your brand. Support New Mexico film.
Overall Costs
In 2023-2024, The NMED Channel will train 40 interns, provide 15 production grants, as well as produce multiple programs in-house to support the many needs of the channel, with a total cost of $696,500. Here's how that breaks down:
Staff wages: $274,000
Office space & Utilities: $10,260
Insurance: $ 3288
Marketing costs: $25,000
Office Supplies: $5000
Miscellaneous: $10,000
Parking: $2952
Production Grants: $150,000
Internships: $216,000
Partner with Us
The Reach
The New Mexico Education Channel has a current reach of 78,000 households through Comcast 96. In addition, the channel is also available to watch online.
Beyond viewership, however, the NMED Channel has deep roots and connections within the NM Film Industry, partnering with every union and many local production companies and larger entities. Our staff are well known and well respected within the community and are speakers and panelists at festivals.
Partnering with the NMED Channel is more than just about viewership--it is about partnering with an industry that is vital to New Mexico. When you partner with NMED, you are helping to build this industry. In exchange, Sponsors may receive a variety of benefits:
airtime on Comcast 96 for promos
brand on website, banner, merchandise and film events programs
ad space in film events programs
shouts outs from the stage at film events
opportunity for interviews, backstage tours, and VIP only perks
product placement in productions
shameless social media shoutouts
tickets to events and VIP seats
professionally recorded promo video to be broadcast and for use on social media, etc
The NM Educational Access Channel broadcasts on Comcast 96 and is one of the four Public Access channels granted to the City of Albuquerque. Public access television was created by the Federal Communications Commission in the late 1960's to provide a form of non-commercial mass media where the general public can create television programming for broadcast through the local cable company. Katharsis Media recently partnered with the City of Albuquerque to manage the Educational Access channel. Content for the channel is limited to local, educational content. Local means that either it is produced locally or that it is produced by a resident of Albuquerque or Bernalillo County. Educational means that the content either: a) teaches, trains, or brings awareness; b) showcases student work; or c) is produced by student(s).
Through this partnership, Katharsis Media is able to offer distribution on the channel to local producers, brand awareness campaigns to local businesses, career training for emerging filmmakers, and production grants to local production companies.
The need is great.
In order to keep the access channels, Comcast requires 120 hours of programming per week, 40 of which must be local, first run programming. This requires an incredible amount of staffing and resources to aggregate or produce. In addition, each internship that we offer costs $5400 in staffing and operational costs. We hope to train 40 interns in film production in 2023-2024 and to offer 15 production grants of up to $10,000 each.
Internships and production grants are vital to the New Mexico Film Industry. Currently, we do not have enough trained filmmakers in our union for the amount of film production happening in New Mexico. This means that instead of hiring local residents, production companies hire from out of state instead. Katharsis Media's Career Pathway Internships are one of the only programs in the state that currently provide on the job training and a pathway directly into the union.
Production grants are necessary for local filmmakers to continue their craft and to be able to pay a living wage to their crews. If we want New Mexico to continue to be a hub for film production, we cannot rely solely on outside productions, which will go elsewhere as soon as they find a higher tax incentive. We must be diligent in building a robust local film industry that is not reliant on outside productions.
Partner with us. Build your brand. Support New Mexico Film.
Ways to Partner:
Sponsorship Spots
Sponsorship spots are 30-second slots of airtime set aside for promotional media from our sponsors. Slots start at $15/ slot and discounts are given for purchasing slots in bulk. Sponsors are responsible for providing media and slots purchased must be used within a 30 day period.
Sponsor a Show
Sponsoring a specific show that jives with your business or target demographic is an easy way to build brand awareness without being responsible for production of media. Sponsors are mentioned at the beginning and middle of each episode and have their information displayed displayed in the lower thirds when the sponsor is mentioned, as well as during the end credits at the end of the show. Show sponsors can also be mentioned on the show's page on our website, along with logos, contact information and links to the sponsor's social media or website. Some shows also have the capacity for product placement or on-camera interviews.
Sponsor a Film Project
Sponsoring a film project can be a ton of fun and is an interesting way to build brand awareness. Every film project varies in what it can offer to sponsors, but common perks are IMDb credits, copy, product placement, featuring your business as a location in the film, t-shirts, merchandise, and shoutouts, to name a few. The projects we sponsor are projects that our interns will be working on and the funds we receive go directly towards the cost of the production.
Make a Donation
Just want to support in whichever area of greatest need? Make a donation! Every dollar helps!!
We use PayPal for general donations. We are a 501(c)(3) and your donation may be tax deductible.