Hi, nice to meet you, my name is Caitie, and yes it’s really true… I’m part of the roadway Bound Cast. Now reading that first line you might be a little confused. Perhaps it sounds kind of formal or scripted. That might be because it is in fact scripted. That is the opening line to my solo number in the musical we will be performing in just a few weeks. Round 8 of the Broadway Bound Live competition is to put together a musical and we will be performing live and adjudicated by 4 judges and the audience. So, if you’d like to come vote for who will be receiving a $60,000 scholarship to the American Musical and Dramatic Academy in New York City, then make sure to save the Date! There will be two performances, one on Saturday, May 20th & one on Sunday, May 20th.
“Yes, no you’re right, I’ll keep telling you about me!” I was born and raised in Denver, Colorado and I have been involved in acting since I was a young kiddo. The first theatre production I took part in was at my elementary school when I was in 3rd grade. That year I took part in 2 productions. I played the Fairy Godmother in Cinderella and a narrator and Charlie in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Since then, I have always been in the performing arts in some capacity depending on the school I attended and what was going on in my life. I continued to do theatre productions at the schools that had them, choir ensembles, band ensembles, marching band and then colorguard during high school. I find that my life is not complete without some form of performance.
During college, I kind of lost my performing roots. I was so focused on creating a career that I lost touch with the performing aspect of my life. I became unhappy, and when I stopped to reflect on my life I realized what was wrong. I began to actively search for ways to bring performance back into my life. I started with an acting class at the Denver Center for Performing Arts. It awakened that side of myself that I had missed so much. And it was then that I decided that I wanted to make a career out of performing.
And that’s how I ended up here, with Broadway Bound Live. I sent in a video audition, landed a callback and was amazingly cast! This experience has been fantastic. One of the most amazing things about this program is the training. From Day 1 I got to attend acting classes, dance classes, and vocal lessons, something I’ve never gotten to do before. I got to work with amazing performers from the industry with insane resumes. No matter how this competition ends, I have had invaluable experience from Broadway Bound Live.