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Zachery Logemann
May 19, 20232 min read
Movie to Stage
Lights, camera, action! In the realm of musical theater, the t.v. has often served as inspiration for captivating stage adaptations. From...
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Zachery Logemann
May 18, 20231 min read
Live Performances are Important
Musicals are real life magic, that makes them truly worth experiencing. In this short blog post, I'll let you know why musicals can...
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Zachery Logemann
May 12, 20232 min read
You're a Catch so Come Watch this Musical
The musical is called “You’re a Catch, So Why are You Single?”. Showing at the NHCC on May 20th(7pm) and May 21st(2pm). So let me give...
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Zachery Logemann
May 7, 20232 min read
Different Types of Support and Drive
I'm gonna be talking about something that is very important not just for singing, dancing, and acting, but for anything you do in life as...
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Zachery Logemann
May 7, 20232 min read
Different Types of Support and Drive
I'm gonna be talking about something that is very important not just for singing, dancing, and acting, but for anything you do in life as...
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Zachery Logemann
May 5, 20233 min read
Performing a Musical
Some people who haven't been in any musicals might ask themselves what it's actually like to be in a musical. I'm here to tell you (to...
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Zachery Logemann
May 1, 20232 min read
How D&D Can Help Acting
What is D&D? Well it's a role playing game... now hold up don't click away just yet. In this game you create your own story with other...
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Zachery Logemann
Apr 27, 20232 min read
Top 5 Favorite Musicals
I don't watch a whole lot of musicals, which is strange for a musical nerd like myself, but here are my top 5. You'll all probably...
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Zachery Logemann
Apr 26, 20232 min read
What an Acting Coach has Taught Me
Starting off pretty simple with answering the question. Who is my acting coach? My acting coaches name is Monique Candelaria. She's been...
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Zachery Logemann
Apr 24, 20232 min read
Myths and Truths about Audience Etiquette
Here are a few myths, truths, and a little history behind them about audience etiquette for musical theaters. Hope you enjoy reading....
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Zachery Logemann
Apr 22, 20232 min read
Truths about musicals
Here are a few important truths about musicals. Now what do I mean when I say important truth. I mean that things you don't think about...
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Zachery Logemann
Apr 21, 20232 min read
What a Vocal Coach has taught me
I'm terrible at starting these so I'm just gonna hop straight into it. A vocal coach has many benefits. They might tell you their tips...
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Zachery Logemann
Apr 19, 20232 min read
Other Skills that Could Help
Some people think that you only need to sing, dance, and act. This is true most of the time, however sometimes you might be asked to have...
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Zachery Logemann
Apr 18, 20233 min read
So You Messed Up, What Now?
You're on stage somebody has just said their line. It's your turn, you've practiced, you've prepared, but.... your mind just goes blank....
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Zachery Logemann
Apr 15, 20233 min read
A Triple What?
For my first official blog post, I'm going to be discussing a subject I absolutely don't think I'm qualified for and that is... becoming...
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Zachery Logemann
Apr 14, 20231 min read
Hey, my name is Zachery Logemann. I’m 19 and I guess I’ll be writing about my knowledge and experiences with musicals. I don’t know how...
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